Civic Address Registry (CAR)
The CAR Website will be out of service for basic maintenance from 8:00AM to 5:00pm Thursday August 1st. Editing capabilites will be unavailable during that time.
Please submit all outstanding edits no later than Friday May 31st after which
EDITING capabilities will be suspended until update completion and remaining, unsubmitted edits, will be DELETED.
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Civic Address Registry Currently Undergoing Maintenance
Fire Fighters This website is a data maintenance portal used by municipalities, parks and First Nations communities to manage civic address information for the purpose of public safety. The Civic Address Registry database is available to purchase for business needs, in whole or in part, through Information Services Corporation (ISC). For more information visit
ISC Civic Address Registry Dataset.

For public inquiries regarding civic addressing, please contact your municipal office prior to emailing
The CAR Web Mapping Application is accessed within a web browser. In order to use this application, your PC or laptop requires a supported browser from the list below:

• Google Chrome

For best viewing results, monitor resolution should be 1024 x 768 or higher.
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